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5. Application of corrosion-resistant compound in concealed hollow spaces.
5.1 Wax Line
Actually all automanufacturers of the world use a wax as corrosion-resistant compound, rarely oremin.
This process is accomplished in 2 stages:
- Application into concealed hollow spaces of body bottom plate (Exterior);
- Application in concealed hollow spaces of hang-on elements (Interior).
The body is passed to transit booth (Exterior), than painters apply the wax into concealed hollow spaces of bottom plate and wheel arch by special feeler gages. For every hole there is a special length of feeler gage and way of spreading, as well as application time.
Than followed the stage of waxing of hood, doors and trunk, where application is fulfilled with the help of a special spray gun. On the spray gun there is a header allowing spreading the compound in round shape.
After waxing there is accomplished a lifting of front part of body, than the rear end at an angle 20 degrees. Such an operation provides with compound flowing inside hollow spaces.
The next stage is body heating in drying box up to 100°C.
European automanufacturers use automatic waxing for Exterior operations. Thus the body is set on the special platform, then pulverizers are automatically aroused and spread wax under the temperature of 60 °С under high pressure. Then the body is passed into oven under 100 °С, where the wax flows inside hollow spaces. Such a technology is applied in VAG group.