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ABS plastic details production consists of 7 stages: from design to assembly work. Hereinafter you will find the whole process of fulfilling these stages.


For production of plastic detail it is necessary at first to make its model. As a rule the model is made of plasticine. In case when surfaces are flat and simple, the model can be made of scale board, MDF or any other of this kind.

2.Unloading of transitional former blocks.

After model production, it is necessary to unload former blocks in order to get hard material detail.

3.Master model and the reason of its use.

Transitional former blocks are used to get a master model for the purpose of finishing surfaces after plasticine model and expanding the model considering to materials contraction.


Forms production begins from partition-off of master model. Partition-off is flange placed along the edge of detail. Right along this edge there will be cutting of prepared detail.

When the all flanges are ready, and then begins the process of applying of resin, fabrics and bandage on the master model.

In the next stage we take master model out of vacuum form and continue to improve it on. This process represents searching of possible chips which can be easy smoothed by applying of resin. After integrity check the form should be polished for improving of quality of details surface and service life of form. The final stage is hammer drills in forms.

5.All about thermo-vacuum forming.

Thermo-vacuum forming is the manufacturing process of details by heating of sheet plastic material succeeded by air exhaust between plastic sheet and vacuum form.

For accomplishing this process we need vacuum form. Vacuum form is made from MDF, MDF and polymer, scale board, scale board and polymer, aluminum. This form is manufactured individually for each project depending from planned volume, material and final cost of the form.

Forming is accomplished on the special table. On the first stage vacuum forms are placed on the table and heated up to operating temperature. Then plastic sheet is set and heated during strongly given time. Heating is needed for increasing of plasticity and flexibility of the sheet. After heating the plastic sheet is lowered down (or raised up depending from construction of chosen equipment) on former block. When the sheet touches the top of form there begins air exhaust by special hydro pump between the sheet and table. At this moment the sheet covers vacuum form tightly assuming a ready for use detail. Then the sheet is cooled by air blowing or water spreading.

Now we can say that the process of forming is completed.

This video clip presents 5,6,7points.

6.Cutting and scratching of detail.

When the forming is finished the detail should be cut of the sheet.

Then it is necessary to scratch cut details because its edges are often sharp.


After scratching the product is assembled in case when it consists of several details. Assembling is soldering of details to each other by ultrasonic soldering iron or gluing by solvent of resin and acetone.

Finished product.

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